Friday, January 23, 2009

what do you think?

sometimes i feel like he's in a different place and same goes to me. since he moved to another school and somehow became 'famous', he's been self-absorb. i've confronted him and told him that he have changed and he apologize and i forgive him. even if i love him so much, i couldn't understand him. next week is our 5th anniversary, lets just see if he remembers. sometimes, he makes me so mad and i just can't do anything cause its not in my nature. how sad is that? very i think. everyday i think of him, everyday i wish he could just call me in any time and just say 'i love you'. but i think he never thought of that. i'm that type of girlfriend who don't get mad at their boyfriend. even if you'll think i'm so lame or jiwang, lemme tell you that it's not an understandable thing. so its ok if you think like that. love is love and like is like. never combine it together. try telling you're girlfriend that u like them, see what's her respond. as far as i know, everytime i do a post or write my dairy, i'll always write about how's my love life and crap. you know why? cause i have nothing else to say. hahaha. okay, i know i'm still a kid and already talking about these things, but i think its okay. i think! hahaha. anyway, moving on. there's this thing about being in a relationship and being in a serious relationship. please! please don't be too serious when you're just in a relationship. love is love but if you're like 20 and below, being in a serious relationship sucks. excluded that you're gonna get married with you're significant other.
i've got to go. dinner time! :]



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