Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Birthday oh Birthday...

midnight of the 22nd coming to 23rd, on the stroke, buufffff! message keeps on coming like mad! hahahaha.
bangga la juga :P
anyway, what i did on the 23rd and what happen on the 23rd,

okay here's how my birthday DAY went,

i woke up at 9am and went to the bank with mum.
sis was too lazy to wake up.
well duhh! i was too actually.
cause we had our preview. anyway, after that, went breakfast with mum.
and she sent me to town[pekan] cause i was waiting for my friend and we went to the KK to hang with some friends [vivien, razie, daryl, dulie, mik, maliqie] and all.
i was suppose to meet with Razie, my other friend.
Little did i know, he was bringing a present and says that 'later i'll give you'.
i was like, okay?
then we went to this one shop and me and Vivien went in to this shop and when i turn around, he was standing there looking at me. haha.
guess who.
my freaking boyfriend [mik]. shittt!
no wonder he didn't even text or call me to wish me. damn. hahaha.
i was so shock.
i was so pissed of with my friend Razie cause he was the one who brought him there.
i was like, happy + angry.
anywayyy, we went for a drink and i was still shock that he was there. haha.
i missed him soooooooo much! hee.
then we went to play some pool.
i didn't know he knows how to play pool! he was so hot. hahaha.
he is still hot. haha.
his little brother was there [maliqie] so i didn't dare to like be all touchie2. haha.
but he was okay though.
after playing some pool, we went for bowling! hehehe.
it was sooo fun. and Mik won again. damn!
is there anything that he don't know how to play?
he striked twice! shit lah. ahaha.
but he's my bf so yay! hahaha.
then we went to the archade.
the guys played games while me and vivien sang our hearts out. hahahaha.
at 5pm, they have to go back. :[ i was so sad.
my babe's going back. huhu.
but it was okay in the end. hehe.
vivien bought me a present!! an eyeshadow.
hahaha. so sweet. i love u vieeen! owh yeah!
we met cella [one of my bestfriend] she couldn't joined us cause she was working.
but during her break, she bought me an aiscream. hahaha.
so cuteee! i so love them. hehe. too bad half of my friends couldn't make it.
but what to do.

what i did at the night of my birthday,

went out with mum and sis to dinner and i was damn full! shit. haha.
then suddenly my uncle who works at starbucks and apparently friends with one of my close friend who works beside starbucks and working at secret recipe, gave me a cake.
my uncle drove by and send it to me.
it was sooo heavy but worth being a 16 year old. hahaha.
im still a kid! shuddup. hahaha.
there was a cd. it was a song which apparently was my favorite. :P
we went to my grands place and had our little bday party.
so cute! had fun. hehe.
eventhough i didn't have a lot of present this year [hints] haha.
nda bah.
anyway, i love every freaking person who wished me and all.
i don't know how to put it in a word. shit. hahahaha.
im just happy.
even if there's few things im sad about but atleast my friends, family and my babe was there to celebrate with me :]

i loveeeee you guys! :]

sooooo, christmas is TOMORROW! i'm sooo damn excited. hehe. im like a kid. i hope santa won't be lost. petrol turun sudah! so no excuse for him to be late. hahahaha.


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